Thursday 12 April 2012

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint - spin, weave and dye your own clothes!

Heres another great video, this time about harvesting the humble nettle, like flax, and making your own clothes with it.  I was so inspired I bought the book off Amazon and am reading it as I write!  It's so interesting and a must read for anyone who is half way into sustainability and reducing their carbon footprint.

Let me know what you think of it...  Were you sold?  Appalled? It will make an interesting discussion!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I liked it. Flintoff has his limitations, to be sure. But in making the topic fun (in his writing)I think he draws people in. His skill level might be low but this makes it all seem possible for others who are starting with curiosity but without pre existing skills.

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